Session 5 (VS005)

Session 5 Classes:

Concepts Covered:

This program is out of this world! Explore this amazing natural satellite and all of its changes. Find out the difference between a solar and lunar eclipse.


Earth/Moon Orbits, Eclipse Model, Face of the Moon

"To the Moon" Materials:

To the Moon

Concepts Covered:

Become an entomologist and learn the amazing facts about insects. Explore compound vision and learn how insects use sound and smells to communicate. It's a 'buggy' good time


Foam Ant, Bug-Eye Viewer, Bug Sounds, Smell a Friend

"Get Buggy" Materials:

Get Buggy

Concepts Covered:

The shape of the earth is constantly changing in this program we explore some of the ways natural phenomena change the surface of the earth. Have fun erupting your own volcano, making cave structures and spinning the earth.


Mini Volcano, Stalactite/Stalagmite Exp, Earth Wobble

"Earth Scapes" Materials

Earth Scapes

Concepts Covered:

Isaac Newton came up with three laws up with of motion some 350 years ago, and those rules still apply today. We'll explore those laws of motion and use that understanding to make some machines that work on those very principals.


Catapult, Marshmallow Launcher, Frog Jumper Game

"Nutty Newton" Materials:

Nutty Newton

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