Session 1 (VS001)

Session 1 Classes:

Concepts Covered:

Our young physicist learns about sound. They'll explore vibrations and properties of sound like pitch by making forks sing and balloons squeal. They can even put on their own concert with an instrument they make themselves. Sounds like a good time to us!


Sound Fork, Pitch Balloons, Rubber-Bandjo's

"Turn in Up" Materials:

Turn it Up

Concepts Covered:

Become a chemist and explore the the world of chemical reactions. Learn about primary and secondary colors and how to separate the color in ink through chromatography. Mix chemicals together to create your own bouncy ball.


Color Blend, Color Separation, Moon Mud

"Che-Mystery" Materials:


Concepts Covered:

In this program we learn about our planet and what makes it so special. We'll explore the role of insects and wind in pollination as we make our own pollen catchers. Then we'll dive into the problems of pollution and how recycling can help our planet.


Pollen Catcher, Paper Recycling

"My Planet, My Home" Materials

My Planet, My Home

Concepts Covered:

Buoyancy is the concept of the day. Our young scientist will learn why and how objects float. They get a chance to explore their engineering abilities by building a boat out of a sheet of aluminum foil. Then they have fun using the properties of buoyancy to manipulate their own Cartesian diver. All Aboard!


Aluminum Float, Cartesian Diver

"Amazing Archimedes" Materials:

Amazing Archimedes

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